Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Seats are for sitting on...

It has come to that time in baby Giraffe's life where he needs to learn how to use the toilet.

I bought a potty for him quite a long time ago, and we put him on it every time he baths, but I think he will do better with a trainer toilet seat, because he sees me using the toilet all the time. (No more privacy in my life!)
So, today I went to Reggies to buy a seat and at the same time i got a little bathroom step for him, which he absolutely loves.
Anyway, I have baby G in the trolley and I'm scrutinising the 3 different seats that i can find. I hand one of them over to him to keep him occupied and turn to pack one back on the shelf.

When I turn back, to my horror and absolute embarrassment, he has managed to get the seat stuck on his head!!!

OH-MY-WORD! I start panicking, obviously, and start pulling, but he's already got his ear through to the other side. I am now red in the face from embarrassment and panic, and he is red in the face from pain! he starts crying a bit, but I must say, he was actually quite good through the whole thing and thankfully didn't cause a scene.

It wasn't on his head for long. I was about to call a shop assistant to help me, when i managed to yank it off. But my mind went to emergency room status, picturing us rushing off to hospital and having the seat cut off his head!!!

After the whole ordeal, I couldn't stop smiling and giggling about it. We went out to the car and baby G kept touching his head and smiling! so he thought it was quite funny too!

I just hope this doesn't give him ideas now with the one that I actually bought for him!

When we got home, he went running around the house with his new step, to every different room, trying to find new things to reach and climb onto! He is super-chuffed with his little blue step. He climbed on and off my bed about 20 times over and over! I think he is happy to have his boundaries stretched that little bit extra.


Sue said...

Oh NO!!! How funny though... I've always dreaded my child getting his head stuck anywhere, but in a toilet seat... I think I might've collapsed in laughter on the floor. Glad you managed to get it off simply and that Aidan wasn't too traumatised...


Celine said...

Wow he is gorgeous! Looks just like you :)