Monday, January 19, 2009

The Last Noel (for now anyway)

So, Christmas is finally over in our little home. The tree finally came down last night!

I know, I know, it's supposed to be all 'bad luck' and everything, and it's not because I was hanging on to Christmas. (Although I do LOVE it!) I've just been so tired lately, and also round about the time that 'Baby Giraffe' goes to sleep is round about the time that my 'morning sickness' kicks into action.


So anyway, I have been slowly taking a few baubles off every night for quite a few nights now, but I left the really high ones, because I'm pregnant and I'm not supposed to stretch. ( Excuses, excuses!)

One of the afternoons that I decided to try do a bit of de-decorating of the tree with 'Baby Giraffe' still awake, he managed to get hold of a couple of handfuls of tinsel. I took a lot away from him, but to stop him from a large tantrum, I left him with a couple of strands. Which he proceeded to eat.

The following day, he had a very Christmassy poo! it was all shiny!

I think that definitely marks the end of Christmas 2008! I think its a good sign! of things being flushed through, and it shows that even though there may be rough times, there is still a shiny end result!!!! (Hee hee!)

So, thanks to 'The One' for taking the remains of the tree down last night, because it was really starting to bother me.

And here's one last "Goodbye, Christmas"...


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