Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just a bit of news

Yes, I know, it's been a while - sorry!

I took a bit of a break over the festive season.
Anyway, the news is...

Had a really good Christmas, New Year and 'Husband's birthday braai'.
Also, most of you will already know that I am 10 weeks pregnant.
I have been very sick with morning sickness, except, allday sickness is more like it.

I find it really hard to get on with every day life when I feel like this.
It is really debilitating. I feel like I need to just lie down and not be disturbed until this part of the pregnancy is over.
What were they thinking ('The Gods') when they designed this crap? I mean really now! As if carrying this ever growing being inside your belly for 9 months isn't enough to get your head around, they have to go and throw that in the mix too.

Anyway, enough complaining.

I am very happy to be having another little one. This one is due 5 days before 'Baby Giraffe's' 2nd birthday. Hectic!

Well, I cant say that I will be writing more often, but I will try to write a longer post next time!

1 comment:

Sue said...

It's such fabulous news and I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling so sick. I hope it passes quickly and that you start feeling well enough to enjoy your pregnancy soon!

I am SO sorry that I didn't make it to Wes's party on the 3rd - I only got the invite when I came back to work on Monday. I hope it all went well and that it wasn't too exhausting for you!!

Sending you lots of love,
Susan xxx